Make Python3 as Default in Ubuntu MachineInstall Python from the official Python-website.Mar 15, 2021Mar 15, 2021
AWS EC2 Instance creation and loading file to Instance using TerraformsWe can create an AWS EC2 instance and also make code infrastructure appropriately using Terraforms.Jul 21, 2020Jul 21, 2020
Get/Upload/Delete files from AWS-S3 bucket using PythonUsing Python, we can upload the files & get the content of the files and update the existing files and also download the files from the S3…Jul 21, 2020Jul 21, 2020
Python Version Upgrading in UbuntuAs of now, Python 3.8. 3, documentation released on 13 May 2020 is the latest version of python.Jun 15, 2020Jun 15, 2020
Email Reading using Python imaplibPython’s client-side library called imaplib is used for accessing emails over the IMAP protocol. IMAP stands for Internet Mail Access…Feb 12, 2020Feb 12, 2020
Docker-compose ErrorWhen the user types the command to compose the docker in order to perform operations related to us. Whenever you face the error like:Oct 18, 2019Oct 18, 2019
Django Unit Test AuthenticationIn Django, when the developer is writing unit tests, he has to make API calls for every request. So for every request object, it consists…Aug 20, 2019Aug 20, 2019